Position Announcement 招聘启事

Position Announcement 招聘启事已关闭评论5,208

Tsinghua University, Department of the History of Science

Tenure-track positions at the rank of full, associate, and assistant professors in history and philosophy of science


About the opportunity

The department of the history of science at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, is seeking applications for faculty positions at the level of full, associate, and assistant professors in the history and philosophy of science (HPS). Applicants must hold a PhD in HPS or other relevant fields and demonstrate a record of both teaching and research excellence, commensurate to the rank. Applicants are expected to make active and substantial contributions to the department’s academic research and teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

We welcome applicants with expertise in various sub-disciplines of HPS but are particularly looking for someone who specializes in a) history of Western natural sciences from early Greco-Roman to modern Europe, and/or b) history of science & technology in modern and contemporary China, broadly construed. We prefer applicants with some knowledge of Chinese language or prior experience working in China; however, we also consider applications from non-native speakers of Chinese.

To apply, send a cover letter, an updated CV, writing samples of two scholarly publication, a teaching statement, names and contacts of three references to chrisluk@tsinghua.edu.cn. Applications received on or before December 30, 2019 will be given full consideration but we will continue the search to expand our department.


About us

The department of the history of science is under the School of Humanities and admits students in both arts and science majors. Successful candidates will be expected to actively contribute to the expansion of the Faculty’s international reputation for excellence in teaching and research.

Since its inception in 1911, Tsinghua University has always committed to providing excellent education at both undergraduate and graduate levels. We are among the first and the best universities in modern China and enjoy an outstanding global reputation. Last year, Tsinghua is ranked no. 1 in China and no. 16 across the world. We employ over 10,000 academic staff and support over 40,000 students.

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年11月7日 11:23:49
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.dhs.tsinghua.edu.cn/?p=4781