清华科史哲讲座第63讲预告:Christopher Coenen,“另一个贝尔纳?论西方技术未来主义与科学技术研究的历史与当前的关系”

清华科史哲讲座第63讲预告:Christopher Coenen,“另一个贝尔纳?论西方技术未来主义与科学技术研究的历史与当前的关系”已关闭评论182

主   题:Another J.D. Bernal? Remarks on historical and current relationships between Western technofuturism and studies on science and technology

主讲人:Christopher Coenen(卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院教授)

时   间:2024年5月8日(周三)上午9:00-11:00

地   点:蒙民伟人文楼B206(科学史系系厅)

清华科史哲讲座第63讲预告:Christopher Coenen,“另一个贝尔纳?论西方技术未来主义与科学技术研究的历史与当前的关系”



In relation to a variety of scientific fields and topics, J. (John) Desmond Bernal (1900-1971) can be considered a key intellectual figure of the twentieth century. In the lecture, his decisive contributions to Western techno-futurist thinking will take centre stage. They will be used to explore some little-discussed relationships between the history of this thinking on the one hand and social science and humanities (SS&H) research on science and technology on the other. This will prepare the ground for some reflections on the current relevance of technofuturism and some challenges for its understanding and discussion in SS&H research on science and technology.



清华科史哲讲座第63讲预告:Christopher Coenen,“另一个贝尔纳?论西方技术未来主义与科学技术研究的历史与当前的关系”

Christopher Coenen (https://www.itas.kit.edu/english/staff_coenen_christopher.php) works at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) within Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), heading the ITAS research group “Life, Innovation, Health and Technology”. He is also the editor-in-chief of the journal ‘NanoEthics: Studies of New and Emerging Technologies’. His research interests include: social, ethical, other philosophical, historical, cultural and political aspects of (in particular new and emerging) technosciences in areas of overlap between biology and technology, He published about 100 papers in these fields (https://www.itas.kit.edu/english/publications_coenen_christopher.php).


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