2024年3月6日系学术例会第164期纪要:Alberto Bardi “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium”和孙逸凡”台湾清华大学交换经历”

2024年3月6日系学术例会第164期纪要:Alberto Bardi “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium”和孙逸凡”台湾清华大学交换经历”已关闭评论327

2024年3月6日上午,科学史系召开了第164期学术例会,报告人为科学史系副教授Alberto Bardi老师和21级博士生孙逸凡同学。

2024年3月6日系学术例会第164期纪要:Alberto Bardi “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium”和孙逸凡”台湾清华大学交换经历”

Alberto Bardi gave a talk on the topic “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium.” He introduced his argument by recalling how in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries scholars often inquired why the scientific revolution occurred in Europe rather than in China, India, Africa, or the Ottoman Empire, and how cross-cultural and global histories are reshaping this way of historical research. However, Byzantium, often considered an era of antiscientific thought, is still less-explored.

2024年3月6日系学术例会第164期纪要:Alberto Bardi “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium”和孙逸凡”台湾清华大学交换经历”

The talk focused on the intertwining of the history of astronomy in fourteenth-century Byzantium with theological and philosophical controversies which shaped that era. His exploration of this intersection revealed new historical factors for understanding the distinctions between scientific and theological discourses, their evolution during the transition to early modern times, and the divergent historical trajectories of science in the realms of the Eastern and Western Europe. Professor and students generously shared their doubts, questions, and remarks, alongside elements for further compare the evolution of science between Eastern and Western Europe. All in all, the seminar offered a richer framework for discussing why the scientific revolution occurred in specific times and places rather than others.

2024年3月6日系学术例会第164期纪要:Alberto Bardi “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium”和孙逸凡”台湾清华大学交换经历”


2024年3月6日系学术例会第164期纪要:Alberto Bardi “Why the scientific revolution did not happen in Byzantium”和孙逸凡”台湾清华大学交换经历”



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