LIU Xiao

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Liiu XiaoXiao Liu (Shawn)

Current Position

Assistant Professor, Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University

Research Interests

History of Meteorology, Science Museum Studies, History of Artificial Intelligence


2017-2021  Ph.D., Department of History, University of Bristol

Supervisor: Prof. Robert Bickers, Dr Adrian Howkins

Project: Meteorology and Politics in Republican China, 1912-1949

2015-2016  M.A. in History and Philosophy of Science, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London

Supervisor: Prof. Frank James

2010-2014   B.A. Labour and Social Security, School of Government, Nanjing University

Professional Experiences

01/2024–Present Assistant Professor, Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University

12/2021-01/2024 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University

Part-time Academic Jobs

2023.6- Present  Membership of the Editorial Collective, History of Meteorology Journal

Current Research Projects

09/2023– Present  National Social Science Foundation for Youth Project, Project leader, title: Collecting and Researching Archival Files Relating to Meteorological Stations in Modern China.

Selected Fellowships and Grants

09/2017-08/2021  China Scholarship Council - University of Bristol Joint PhD Scholarships

11/2018-01/2019  Universities China Committee in London Grant,Financial support for PhD study about archival research in China

04/2019-06/2019  UN-RMP Award,RMP provided funding for a short period of exchange in Zhejiang University in China for academic development

Selected Publications

Xiao Liu, Curious Devices and Mighty Machines: Exploring Science Museum (Translated Book), Beijing: China Workers Publishing House, 2023.

Xiao Liu, ‘Understanding Sovereignty through Meteorology: China, Japan, and the Dispute over the Qingdao Observatory, 1918-1931’, Annals of Science, 81: 3 (2024), 420-439.