清华科史哲讲座第41讲预告: Alberto Bardi,“ 托勒密天文学的知识网络“

清华科史哲讲座第41讲预告: Alberto Bardi,“ 托勒密天文学的知识网络“已关闭评论2,484


Topic: The Epistemic Network of Ptolemaic Astronomy

主讲人:Alberto Bardi 博士 (Polonsky Academy, Jerusalem)


方式:腾讯会议 881 769 750(无密码)

清华科史哲讲座第41讲预告: Alberto Bardi,“ 托勒密天文学的知识网络“


This lecture examines Ptolemaic astronomy with new lenses through four main research-paths: (a) historiographical data on the city of Alexandria in Egypt alongside biographical data of Ptolemy and his contemporaries; (b) the examination of the mathematical prose of the Almagest in comparison with the correspondent and related passages in its Alexandrian commentaries; (c) the concept of “epistemic network” as a dynamic system composed by social, material, and semantic layers; (d) the concept of  “true philosophy” in Ptolemy’s works and its circulation between Alexandria, Baghdad, and Constantinople.


清华科史哲讲座第41讲预告: Alberto Bardi,“ 托勒密天文学的知识网络“

Alberto Bardi, postdoctoral researcher at the Polonsky Academy in Jerusalem, is the author of Persian Astronomy in Byzantium. A Contribution to Byzantine Studies and the History of Science [in German] (Munich, 2020) and several journal articles. In the last Fall semester, he taught a course on history and philosophy of science in the Byzantine world at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research explores the cross-cultural exchanges of scientific ideas and materials between Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Eastern Roman Empire and neighbor civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity. Among his academic appointments, he has been a fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and at the Harvard University research institute Dumbarton Oaks.

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