清华科史哲讲座第34讲预告:Marvin Bolt,“望远镜史:骋目太空,跨越空间”

清华科史哲讲座第34讲预告:Marvin Bolt,“望远镜史:骋目太空,跨越空间”已关闭评论7,235



方式:纯线上讲座,腾讯会议号713 938 493(https://meeting.tencent.com/s/rAl3sJvBmUJQ)

主讲人:Marvin Bolt博士(Corning Museum of Glass)

讲题:Telescopes: Looking into space and moving across spaces


Soon after the telescope was first presented in 1609, it became recognized as an important scientific instrument, became perhaps the most iconic scientific tool, and also served other purposes. As we explore a few episodes in the history of the telescope from its earliest days until the present, we will use the lenses of politics, theology, physics, oceanography, and other enterprises to understand not only its social and cultural contexts but also its technical features. By careful examining telescopes that look into physical spaces and move across intellectual spaces, we will come to see fascinating details about the worlds in which we live.


清华科史哲讲座第34讲预告:Marvin Bolt,“望远镜史:骋目太空,跨越空间”

Marvin Bolt is an historian of science, technology, and ideas. A native of Vancouver, Canada, he earned a degree in physics, mathematics, and education. After teaching high school math, physics, and computer science, he attended the University of Notre Dame, where he earned an MA in history and philosophy of science, an MA in philosophy, and a PhD in history. As curator at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, he explored the material culture of astronomy, with a focus on the origins, development, and dissemination of the telescope. More recently, at the Corning Museum of Glass, he has attended to the materiality and anthropology of glass, addressing the science, technology, history, and art of glass. His work has taken him to science collections and museums around the world, and currently involves several collaborative projects, including interpreting representations of the Star of Bethlehem, developing graphical design techniques for communicating scientific and technical information with lay audiences, and encouraging the development of a new generation of cross-disciplinary scholars.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月19日 17:54:07
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