清华科史哲讲座第15讲预告:Daniel Liu,“科学与社会的分离:细胞膜历史中的编史学问题”

清华科史哲讲座第15讲预告:Daniel Liu,“科学与社会的分离:细胞膜历史中的编史学问题”已关闭评论2,395


时间:2018年8月27日 星期一 上午10:00—12:00



主讲人:Dr. Daniel Liu (刘晰原博士)



“Dividing Science from Society: Historiographical Problems in the History of the Cell Membrane”

Abstract: Since the 1980s the history of science and sociology of science have flourished in North America, guided by two methodological principles: the social construction of science (社会建构主义), and the principle of “symmetry” (对称性). By turning science into a cultural and social artifact, we have been able to expand the scope and scale of science’s history, setting the scientific endeavor in a broad context. But this success has also been criticized by those who worry that our methods have undermined the social value of science—a worry that has grown significantly in recent years. In this lecture I will argue that historians of science need to reexamine the history of the relationship between science and society, in order to accurately grasp the social value of science. To illustrate how our current historiographical methods can be modified to measure the distance between science and society, I will draw on two case studies from my research in the history of the cell membrane. The first will be the history of the image of the lipid bilayer (磷脂双分子层) and its transformations within science. The second will be a history of the artificial cell (人造细胞), its invention in 1864, and its role in debates about the unity of the sciences (科学统一论).


清华科史哲讲座第15讲预告:Daniel Liu,“科学与社会的分离:细胞膜历史中的编史学问题”

Daniel Liu (刘晰原) is a historian of the modern life and physical sciences, specializing in the history of cell biology. He received his PhD in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2016, working with Professor Lynn Nyhart, and from 2016 to 2018 he was an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoc at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has been a visiting fellow at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia (USA), as well as at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. In September he will begin his next postdoctoral position at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry in Berlin, Germany.

Dr. Liu’s current research is on the history of the cell membrane, and he is beginning work on a book on the history of theories of biomolecular structure in the 19th and early-20th centuries. He has recently published in the Journal for the History of Biology, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science (Part C), and in the 2018 volume Visions of Cell Biology, edited by Karl Matlin, Jane Maienschein, and Manfred Laubichler.

  • 本文由 发表于 2018年8月22日 09:00:37
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