

主    题:Water, Environment, and Anthropocene. Historical, Philosophical, and Legal Aspects

主讲人:Giovanni FAVA, Pietro D. OMODEO, Xenia M. CHIARAMONTE (Ca' Foscari University Venice)

时    间:2023年11月9日(周四)下午14:00–17:00

地    点:蒙民伟人文楼B206(科学史系系厅)



“What is the role of water in the dynamics of human civilization, and what are the implications for contemporary water management?” This is an urgent question provided by the IX strategic plan of the UNESCO Intergovernamental Hydrological Program (IHP-IX Strategic Plan, Annex 2, n. 23). This seminar will find paths towards answers to this question, which has been taken seriously by Tsinghua University. This institution has accordingly awarded fund to the project Cosmography of Historical Waterscapes (历史水域景观的宇宙论) through the program Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research (清华大学自主科研计划). This is an exchange project which aims at a comparative study of historical waterscapes in different localities across the world by looking at the epistemological connection between cosmological and ecological knowledge in water-landscapes engineering. The main goal is to study water heritage as an open-ended historical geo-anthropological process, comprehend the current conjuncture, marked by socio-ecological unbalances, and assess alternative pathways to a sustainable future.

Today’s session hosts Western scholars presenting their research at the School of Humanities and constitutes a venue for discussing the above-mentioned topics with Chinese scholars.



14:00-14:15 Alberto BARDI, Yubin SHEN Introductions.

14:15-14:30 Greetings from Prof WU Guosheng.

14:30-15:00 Giovanni FAVA, The Anthropocene and the hydrological cycle: some epistemological and philosophical remarks.

15:00-15:30 Pietro D. OMODEO, Historical Hydrosociology of Venice.

15:30-16:00 Xenia M. CHIARAMONTE, Water and Legal Techniques.

16:00-17:00 Remarks and discussion.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年11月6日 11:42:26
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