清华科史哲讲座第33讲暨北京科学哲学论坛2020年第1期预告:Pierrick Bourrat,“个体性的演化变迁Price方程的新统计划分方法”

清华科史哲讲座第33讲暨北京科学哲学论坛2020年第1期预告:Pierrick Bourrat,“个体性的演化变迁Price方程的新统计划分方法”已关闭评论2,565




主讲人:Pierrick Bourrat  博士(Macquarie University)

讲题:A new statistical partitioning of the Price equation for evolutionary transitions in individuality


Evolutionary transitions in individuality (ETIs) are events during which individuals at a given level of organization (particles) interact to form higher-level entities (collectives) which are then recognized as new individuals at that level. ETIs are intimately related to the literature on levels of selection. Yet, I argue that the classical formalism on multilevel selection – the multilevel version of the Price equation – is inadequate to explain ETIs. This is because it takes the collectives of a population for granted without explaining their origins. Yet, one fundamental aspect of ETIs is the origins of collectives. From there, I propose to exploit Wimsatt’s distinction between aggregativity and non-aggregativity and apply it to the levels of selection question to distinguish arbitrary from genuine collectives. Functional aggregative collectives are collectives for which a given character is the mean of the corresponding character of its constituent particles taken independently, that is in a non-collective context. A functional non-aggregative character violates this definition in a particular way. I illustrate the distinction with some examples and then implement it in a version of the Price equation. Finally, I use this equation to explain the critical stages of an ETI. A ground zero for an ETI is a situation in which the collectives of a population are pure functional aggregates of their constituent particles. During the transition, a given collective character becomes a non-aggregative property of its constituent particles progressively. Non-aggregativity, I conclude, is thus a fundamental aspect of ETIs (and more generally levels of selection) that grounds the origins of collectives, and to which the traditional approaches have not sufficiently paid attention.


清华科史哲讲座第33讲暨北京科学哲学论坛2020年第1期预告:Pierrick Bourrat,“个体性的演化变迁Price方程的新统计划分方法”

Pierrick Bourrat is a Macquarie University Research Fellow who specialises in philosophy of biology. He is also part of the Theory & Method in Biosciences group at the University of Sydney. His interests include: (1) Evolutionary transitions in individuality; (2) evolutionary theory; (3) the interplay between biological and cultural evolution; and (4) the evolution of religious beliefs.

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