清华科史哲讲座第28讲暨北京科学哲学论坛2019年第2期预告:Michael Friedman,“方法论结构主义:现象、由理论中介的测量与科学实在论”

清华科史哲讲座第28讲暨北京科学哲学论坛2019年第2期预告:Michael Friedman,“方法论结构主义:现象、由理论中介的测量与科学实在论”已关闭评论2,439




主讲人:Michael Friedman (Stanford University)

讲题:Methodological Structuralism: Phenomena, Theory-Mediated Measurement, and Scientific Realism


Methodological structuralism is an alternative to both contemporary structural realism and more “instrumentalist” versions of structuralism such as that defended by Rudolf Carnap. I am inspired by two contemporary philosophical scholars of the development of modern physics beginning with Newton and extending through the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: Howard Stein and George E. Smith. From the former I take a conception of abstract structures in the phenomena, from the latter a conception of theory-mediated measurement. The relevant notion of phenomena is closely related to a structuralist methodology, first developed and deployed by Newton, which essentially involves theory-mediated measurement and results in a distinctive kind of scientific realism. I explore Kant’s relationship to Newton in this conception and how it can be naturally generalized to post-Newtonian scientific theories.


清华科史哲讲座第28讲暨北京科学哲学论坛2019年第2期预告:Michael Friedman,“方法论结构主义:现象、由理论中介的测量与科学实在论”

Michael Friedman is an American philosopher of science. His interests include: Kant, Philosophy of Science, History of Twentieth Century Philosophy, including the interaction between philosophy and the exact sciences from Kant through the logical empiricists, prospects for post-Kuhnian philosophy of science in light of these developments, and the relationship between analytic and continental traditions in the early twentieth century.

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