清华科史哲讲座第26讲预告:John Steele,“周期与算法:古代两河流域的交食理论”

清华科史哲讲座第26讲预告:John Steele,“周期与算法:古代两河流域的交食理论”已关闭评论2,512




主讲人:John Steele 教授(Brown University)

讲题:Cycles and Procedures: Eclipse Theories in Ancient Mesopotamia


在古代世界,交食普遍受到关注。本次讲座中,John Steele 教授将概览古代两河流域对交食(特别是具有占星学意义的月食)的各种理论解释,介绍预测交食的具体方法。



清华科史哲讲座第26讲预告:John Steele,“周期与算法:古代两河流域的交食理论”

John Steele is a historian of the exact sciences in antiquity. He specializes in the history of astronomy, with a particular focus on Babylonian astronomy. He is editor of the bookseries Scientific Writings from the Ancient and Medieval World and a member of the editorial boards of several bookseries and journals including Time, Astronomy, and Calendars and the Journal for the History of Astronomy. He holds an honourary Professorship at Shanghai in the School of History and Culture of Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and is a senior fellow of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University. Before coming to Brown, he held a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Durham University, was E. P. May Fellow at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto, and was Dibner Institure Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology.

  • 本文由 发表于 2019年6月17日 19:43:21
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