



现为清华大学人文学院副教授。其研究项目曾获美国科学史学会【History of Science Society】奖学金、香港尤德爵士纪念基金、美国金氏东亚科技史基金会 (D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia) 等资助。





A History of Biophysics in Contemporary China (Dordrecht: Springer, 2015). (Available at springer.com and amazon.com; reviewed at Metascience;translated into Chinese as陆伊骊等 译,《贝时璋与当代中国生物物理》(清华科史哲丛书)北京:商务印书馆,2021)



Luk, Y. L. Christine. “The Making of a Naturalist in Manchuria: Arthur de Carle Sowerby, 1885-1922” Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science. (August 2023) Online first: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsnr.2023.0028

陆伊骊,“我从亚利桑那州立大学读博期间看到的科学史发展及未来” 《自然辩证法通讯》2022年4月第44卷第4期,页10-13.


Luk, Y. L. Christine. “Chen Ziying and Woods Hole: Bringing the Marine Biological Laboratory to Amoy, China, 1930-1936" Journal of the History of Biology (2021) vol. 54, iss. 2, pp. 151-173.

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “The First Marine Biological Station in Modern China: Amoy University and Amphioxus” in Jane Maienschein, Rachael Ankeny, Karl Matlin, eds. Why Study Biology by the Sea? (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020), pp. 68-86.

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “Radium, Biophysics, and Radiobiology: Tracing the History of Radiobiology in Twentieth-Century China,” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences (March 2018) vol. 40, iss. 2, pp. 1-40.

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “Making Space for Engineering Education: the South China Institute of Engineering” Engineering Studies(2016) vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 163-188.

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “Biotech in Hong Kong: How Biologist-Entrepreneurs Pursued ‘Hong Kong’s Bioscience Dream’” East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: An International Journal (2016) vol. 10, iss. 3, pp. 291-313.

 Luk, Y. L. Christine. “Building Biophysics in Mid-century China: The University of Science and Technology of China” Journal of the History of Biology (2015) vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 201-235.



Luk, Y. L. Christine. “On Priscilla Song’s Biomedical Odysseys: Fetal Cell Experiments from Cyberspace to China” Asian Medicine (2018) vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 378-380.

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “On Sigrid Schmalzer’s Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Scientific Farming in Socialist China” Journal of the History of Biology (2018) vol. 51, iss. 1, pp. 179-182.



Luk, Y. L. Christine. “From ASU to HKU: My Academic Job-Search” History of Science Society (HSS) Newsletter (October 2017):

Luk, Y. L. Christine with  Subodhana Wijeyeratne. “Space biology and China: rethinking the space age in a multi-polar world,” China Policy Institute (22 November 2016),

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “New Book: A History of Biophysics in Contemporary China” As We Think Now (2 June 2015), http://cspo.org/new-book-a-history-of-biophysics-in-contemporary-china/

Luk, Y. L. Christine. “Contextualizing Pipeline Leakage in Engineering and Technology: the Emerging Career Aspiration of Doctoral Engineers in Hong Kong,” in Godfroy-Genin, Anne-Sophie, eds. Women in Engineering and Technology Research, The PROMETEA Conference Proceedings (Zürich: Lit. Verlag, 2010), pp. 129-148.



陆伊骊、朱勤:<技术上的中游调节:从内部进行治理> 刘则渊、王续琨、王前主编《中国技术哲学年鉴》(大连:大连理工大学出版社2012),182-196页.



“Review of James Poskett’s Horizons: The Global Origins of Modern ScienceIsis (forthcoming)

“Review of Jeffrey Womack’s Radiation Evangelists: Technology, Therapy, & Uncertainty at the Turn of the CenturyBJHS (forthcoming; co-authored with Longkai Zang)

“The Entangled History of Freshwater Jellyfish: Craspedacusta sowerbii in Modern China” Historical Studies of the Natural Sciences (revise-and-resubmit)

“The History of the HSS: 100 Years of Internationalizing History of Science” (co-authored with Bernard Lightman, for Isis special issue on HSS centenary)

“Natural History, Evolutionism, and Evangelism in Republican-era China: the Local and the Global in Arthur de Carle Sowerby’s Life and Works” (Invited book chapter to Hugh Slotten and Hamish Spencer’s co-edited volume, titled Globalizing The History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, under contract with Palgrave Macmillan)


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